JNPRI works on a range of short-term and long-term projects and studies. Projects are determined by the leadership of the Institute.

Food Insecurity Study
Gemiluth Chessed of Greater New York (GCGNY) commissioned a study to better understand the experiences of New Yorkers who keep kosher and face food insecurity. Results are being used by organizations distributing food, funding partners and communal organizations to inform policy, funding and logistics decisions.

Community Pulse Project
JNPRI is partnering with the Orthodox Union (OU) and leaders in Orthodox Jewish communities around the country to create survey panels of community members. Panelists will complete regular, brief surveys on issues of communal concern, allowing leadership to understand trends and respond quickly to developing needs.

Teacher Wellbeing Study
In collaboration with school administrations, JNPRI is conducting surveys of teachers to understand more about how they feel and function in their jobs. Schools will use findings from this study to address teachers’ personal and professional needs and expectations and reduce teacher turnover.

Youth Mentoring Mapping
JNPRI mapped the landscape of youth mentoring programs for Jewish children and teens around the United States to catalogue available programs and best practices.

Beis Din Survey
JNPRI partnered with the Orthodox Union (OU) on a study aimed at improving the Bais Din system in North America and increasing the use of rabbinical courts for dispute resolution. The study includes a survey of lawyers who have been involved in Dinei Torah.

Consulting Projects
JNPRI works with nonprofits to develop and execute data related projects and develop methods for one-time and ongoing data collections.